Name: Michael Einziger
Band Position: Guitar/Backup Vocals
Birthday: 06.21.03
Equipment: Paul Reed Smith Guitars, Mesa Boggie Amps, Korg Rack Tuner, Shure Wireless Microphones
Personal Bio: Written By Michael Einziger
My full name is Michael Aaron Einziger and I play guitar in a silly rock band called Incubus. I was born in Los Angeles, Ca. on June 21st, 1976. My favorite color is blue (at least right now it is). My favorite cereal is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I like to spend my spare time working on music (I'm a mad work-aholic). I can run really fast when I want to. I love Indian food. I do not have a girlfriend. I really love to play golf because it gives me a chance to hang out with my dad. I have a fat white Labador Retriever named RUFUS. And a not-so-fat Lab named BILLY. I like to play Basketball. My favorite place to go while on tour is New York City (it's fun). I have an older sister named Rachel. My little brothers Ben and Paul have a band together with Brandon's little brother called Vent. I admit that I like that Christina Aguilera song. My mom rules, she's the coolest. I play Paul Reed Smith guitars and Mesa Boogie Amplifiers because they're the best, even though they cost a lot of money. I used to ride horses a lot when I was younger. Brandon and I did a report for school together on Tahiti when we were 11 years old. The first song that I learned how to play on the guitar was the theme song to James Bond. My first concert was the Go-Go's when I was 6, followed shortly after by Michael Jackson when I was 7. The first album I ever owned was the Soundtrack to Star Wars. My first real guitar hero was Steve Vai. I love touring in Europe. I'm not allowed to snowboard anymore for fear of snapping off one of my fingers, but that’s ok, because I'm still allowed to surf. I've been surfing for 11 years. It's fun. Someday I would love to score the music for a wierd major motion picture, like BeetleJuice. I love our new album, "Make Yourself". I'm good at soccer. It's hard for me to go shopping because I'm extremely indecisive. I love Bjork's music, I listen to it often. I'm not really allowed to skateboard anymore, but I do sometimes anyway. Everyone should own a Led Zeppelin album and a Police album. South Park is funny. I love anything that has to do with Space Exploration. I believe that aliens exist, but I've never seen one.